
MacBook Pro Fan Assembly (Right) 15"

SKU: 922-8359
ProductID : NB-4524W
Replacing this part will help quiet a noisy fan.
Fan is on the right side of the computer when facing the screen

Extended warranty


  • MacBook Pro / MacBookPro4,1 / 2.4 GHz - Core 2 Duo - ( Early 2008, 15-Inch )
    MacBook Pro / MacBookPro4,1 / 2.5 GHz - Core 2 Duo - ( Early 2008, 15-Inch )
    MacBook Pro / MacBookPro1,1 / 1.83 GHz - Core Duo - ( 2006, 15-Inch )
    MacBook Pro / MacBookPro1,1 / 2.0 GHz - Core Duo - ( 2006, 15-Inch )
    MacBook Pro / MacBookPro3,1 / 2.2 GHz - Core 2 Duo - ( Late 2007, 15-Inch )
    MacBook Pro / MacBookPro3,1 / 2.4 GHz - Core 2 Duo - ( Late 2007, 15-Inch )
    MacBook Pro / MacBookPro2,2 / 2.16 GHz - Core 2 Duo - ( Late 2006, 15-Inch )
    MacBook Pro / MacBookPro2,2 / 2.33 GHz - Core 2 Duo - ( Late 2006, 15-Inch )
    MacBook Pro / MacBookPro1,1 / 2.16 GHz - Core Duo - ( 2006, 15-Inch )

Product details

922-8359 Right Fan Assembly - 2.4-2.5-.2.6GHz Macbook Pro Early 2008 A1260 15inch NB-4524W
This is a Macbook Pro 15" Right fan assembly. (When looking at the machine as you normally would.) To determine which fan you need, look on the bottom of your machine. In the block of text that starts... "Designed by Apple in California...Model Number", the model number of your machine is the type of fan you need to order. So, for example, if the model # on the bottom of your machine is A1150, then you need to pick the option below with A1150 in the description..
Apple part number: 922-8359

Compatible models: PreUnibody-Early 2008-A1260, PreUnibody-Early 2008-A1260, PreUnibody-Early 2008-A1260, MB133LL/A, MB134LL/A,

Compatible Mac info. : 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo 15-inch 2.5GHz Core 2 Duo 15-inch Macbook Pro , 2.6GHz Core 2 Duo 15-inch Macbook Pro

922-8359 Right Fan Assembly - 2.4-2.5-.2.6GHz Macbook Pro Early 2008 A1260 15inch


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